You exit the House.

The gravel crunches under your feet as you lead the way down the path and past the tall hedges. The warm sunlight greets you once you're beyond the reaches of the Albin property, and when you and your friends turn around to look, you find it's vanished into thin air.


Well, I, uh... I guess that's that.


Really? That's all you have to say? How about, we fucking did it, dudes!

Issac pumps a fist into the air, and you and Bonnie roll your eyes at each other. Leon's looking around at the trees surrounding you all, frowning a bit.


Guys? Where's Luke?

When you glance around, you realize Luke is nowhere to be seen.


Shit. Don't tell me--


I think I was wrong.

Luke's standing with their back to you, their hands in their pockets, right where the House was just a few moments ago. They're looking up at the sky.


I thought she pulled people in because she needed power, and because she was lonely. Or maybe because she needed someone else to solve the mystery of her brother for her. But... I think she just wanted someone to tell her they were sorry about her brother, and mean it. To give her a solid piece of advice on how to cope with that grief.



The four of you hurry to your friend and envelop them in a big group hug. They laugh.


We did it. We're done. It's done.


Great job, assholes. Now, if I remember right, someone mentioned IHOP...

You all laugh and begin the trek back to Leon and Issac's home.